Texas 2022 Election Compass

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Minimum Wage
Raise the minimum wage?
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Small businesses are the backbone of the Texas economy, and a government-imposed $15 minimum wage would put a boot on the neck of small businesses, Democrats’ $15 minimum wage bill ‘would put a boot on the neck’ of Texas’ small businesses, Abbott’s office warns, foxbusiness.com, Feb 08, 2021.
The minimum wage in Texas is $7.25 an hour—not enough to pay rent, put food on the table, or take care of your kids, without working a second or third job. We need a minimum wage that's a living wage, so every American is paid at least $15 an hour, no matter where they live., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 06, 2019.
The wage gap is beginning to shrink. Those at the lowest wage level are experiencing the highest percentage increase according to this report. Our economy continues to improve for everyone., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Dec 09, 2017.
The working women and men of Texas built our economy and our state's success — yet too many still don't make a living wage. I’ll be a governor who fights to ensure that every worker has a living wage, great benefits, and dignity on the job., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 08, 2022.
"Texas has the lowest unemployment rate it has ever had since the government started keeping records" "In every metro area except San Antonio, you are seeing high-wage jobs really dominating" “The tight job market is adding to overall wages”, Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, May 22, 2019.
That means raising the minimum wage to ensure every Texan is paid the full value of their work, increasing access to paid and sick leave, making Texas a right-to-organize state, Issue: High-paying jobs, betoorourke.com, 2022.
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Should non-union members also pay union dues?
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Big Labor won’t stop fighting to advance their anti-business agenda! Governor Abbott will fight to make union members in Texas pay their dues voluntarily and with their own checks–rather than unions forcing taxpayers to pay to collect their dues., Send a message to Big Labor!, gregabbott.com, 2022.
Everyone needs to pay into the benefits that they gain as a result of those who are willing to organize and fight, In Iowa, Beto O'Rourke says non-union members should pay union dues, desmoinesregister.com, May 06, 2019.
It’s time for Texas to end the practice of government deducting union dues from the paychecks of employees., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Feb 13, 2017.
Unions are the engine of our economy—and a pathway to the middle-class for millions of Americans., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Oct 03, 2019.
We celebrate Labor Day in Texas where employees have the right to work free from union coercion & free to reap rewards from hard work., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Sep 07, 2015.
I'm fighting for a 21st Century Labor Contract, so all workers will:✅Be able to join a union✅Get paid a living wage✅Need just one job to make ends meet✅Be hired and paid based on what they do—not who they are✅Have access to the training they need and a fair labor market, Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 03, 2019.
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Gun Safety
AR-15 or AK-47 in civilian hands?
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One of the safest cities in America "looked like a war zone" because a civilian owned a weapon of war. We need to buy back every single AR-15 and AK-47—and we can't let fear of the NRA stop us from saying so., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 25, 2019.
Abbott on Wednesday said that raising the age from 18 to 21 to buy an assault-style rifle would be "unconstitutional.", Texas Gov. Abbott says raising age to buy assault-style rifle ‘unconstitutional’, foxnews.com, Aug 31, 2022.
There is no reason AR-15s—weapons of war designed for the sole purpose of taking lives—should be sold to civilians to be used in our schools, in our churches, in our concerts, in public life in this country.And I’m not afraid to say that because I’m not bought by the NRA. If you’re with us, add your name now., Beto O'Rourke (betoorourke), facebook.com, Apr 08, 2018.
Beto O'Rourke struggles to outline specifics on proposed mandatory gun buyback.He’s probably the only candidate for Governor in Texas history who campaigned on taking your guns.I won’t let him do it.I will continue protecting 2nd Amendment rights., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Nov 16, 2021.
And while it might not be the easy or politically safe thing to say, I don’t believe any civilian should own an AR-15 or AK-47. [...] it is far too easy for Texans to get their hands on weapons of war that are designed specifically to kill people in masses in as little time as possible., Issue: Gun Safety, betoorourke.com, 2022.
“Ever since Texas has been a state, an 18-year-old has had the ability to buy a long gun, a rifle. Since that time, it seems like it’s only been in the past decade or two that we’ve had school shootings. For a century and a half, 18-year-olds could buy rifles and we didn’t have school shootings. But we do,” Abbott said. “Maybe we’re focusing our attention on the wrong thing.”, Abbott says raising the age to buy an assault-style rifle is “unconstitutional” based on recent court rulings, texastribune.org, Aug 31, 2022.
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Gun Safety
Repeal the permitless carry law?
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Texas safeguards the 2nd Amendment.Today, constitutional carry goes into effect.Texans who legally own a gun are now allowed to carry it in public. No license or training is needed., Greg Abbott (TexansForAbbott), facebook.com, Sep 02, 2021.
When I'm governor, we’re repealing Abbott's dangerous permitless carry law that makes our state less safe., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jun 10, 2022.
Politicians from the fed. level to the local level have threatened to take guns from law-abiding citizens.Not in TEXAS!I just signed SEVEN pieces of legislation into law protecting #2A rights in Texas — including constitutional carry & making Texas a #2A sanctuary state., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jun 17, 2021.
As governor, I’ll follow the advice of law enforcement and repeal Abbott’s dangerous permitless carry law that allows people to carry a loaded gun in public without any background check, training, or permit., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, May 17, 2022.
The reason I pushed for & signed open carry & campus carry wasn’t for hunting or sport, it was to ensure Texans can DEFEND themselves. I will never sign a law that limits self defense. My school safety plan can make schools safer w/o infringing #2A rights., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jun 25, 2018.
When I’m governor, we will repeal permitless carry. Issue: Gun Safety, betoorourke.com, 2022.
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Defund the police? No ...
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I do not want to defund the police. In fact I wanna make sure that police, sheriff's departments and law enforcement have all the resources that they need to solve and investigate violent crimes., BetoMedia (@BetoMedia), twitter.com, May 13, 2022.
Harris County’s plan to defund law enforcement shows a complete disregard for the safety & security of the Texans they’re sworn to protect.We’ll always ensure our officers have the resources necessary to keep our communities safe.Texas defunds cities who defund our police., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 23, 2022.
Under Abbott, violent crime is up and fewer murder and rape cases are getting solved.(Yes, even though Abbott said he would “eliminate rape” in Texas.)When I’m governor, police will have the resources they need to focus on preventing and solving violent crime., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jan 13, 2022.
The Lone Star State will always #BackTheBlue.Last session, I signed a law to defund any city in Texas that defunds our brave police officers.When our communities are safer, our businesses & families thrive., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 08, 2022.
I really love that Black Lives Matter and other protesters have put this front and center to defund these line items that have overmilitarized our police. [...] And then also in some necessary cases completely dismantling those police forces and rebuilding them. [...] I don't think I've ever advocated for defunding the police., Beto’s Big Defund The Police Flip Flop, youtube.com, Jan 11, 2022.
I was in San Antonio today to meet with the men & women of law enforcement.In Texas, we ALWAYS back the blue.That is why I signed laws that defund cities that defund police & made attacks on law enforcement officers a hate crime.Thank you for keeping us safe., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Apr 21, 2022.
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Paid leave
Paid leave in Texas?
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Look at the news yesterday: Amazon pulling up out of NYC, because of the hostile regulations that NYC was demanding to be placed upon Amazon. Listen businesses are sensitive to things like this. The converse is true also: Look at all the businesses that have been coming into the state of Texas because we've been promoting a reasonable regulatory environment., Governor Greg Abbott on SB15 (Paid Sick Leave), youtube.com, Mar 20, 2019.
the plan laid out by O’Rourke calls for protecting LGBTQ workers from discrimination, protecting workers lacking immigration status from retaliation and threats by employers, ensuring seven days of sick leave per year, Beto O’Rourke rolls out new plan to protect workers’ rights, cnn.com, Aug 22, 2019.
Texas is No. 2 on Forbes’ 2019 Best States For Business ranking.Second is not good enough!We're going to have to find more regulations & taxes to cut., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Dec 20, 2019.
Together, we can ensure that the best jobs in America are created right here in Texas. That means raising the minimum wage to ensure every Texan is paid the full value of their work, increasing access to paid and sick leave, Issue: High-Paying Jobs, betoorourke.com, 2022.
Paid sick leave [...] should be an option chosen by the business based upon their strategy of what they want to do, as opposed to a government mandate., Abbott backs bill to prevent local governments from regulating sick leave, other benefits, statesman.com, Dec 02, 2019.
We have an economy that works too well for too few and not at all for too many. Let's increase opportunity by achieving:✅Equal pay✅Paid family leave✅A $15 minimum wage✅Universal health care✅Affordable child care✅Affordable higher education✅The Equal Rights Amendment, Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jul 12, 2019.
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Expand Medicaid?
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Great win for Texas!Biden drops fight over Texas’ Medicaid waiver, now in place until 2030.ALL Texans, including the most vulnerable Texans & rural hospitals, will have access to the critical health care resources they need., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Apr 26, 2022.
Under Abbott, Texas ranks 49th in access to services for people with disabilities. Texans deserve better.Together, we're going to expand Medicaid and improve home and community based services so those with disabilities can live and thrive in their state., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 23, 2022.
while the federal offer on 90 cents of the dollar looks good now, it could change in the future and Texas would be stuck with the bill. [...] While the federal government touts the current 90/10 cost split for Medicaid expansion, Governor Abbott is not willing to sign off on yet another federal program that the debt-ridden federal government can’t sustain and will eventually leave states footing the entire bill, costing Texas taxpayers billions in additional funding, Beto O’Rourke says Texas can learn from Oklahoma by expanding Medicaid, legalizing marijuana, dallasnews.com, May 02, 2022.
We've been the least insured state each year that Abbott has been governor.We're also last in access to mental health care.When we win, we're going to expand Medicaid, bring $10 billion a year of our tax dollars back to this state, and help more Texans get the care they need., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 01, 2022.
Abbott [...] agreed with Perry and expressed his opposition to accepting federal funding to expand Medicaid (both men claimed that the eventual 10% of the cost that the state would pay by 2020 would be too much for the budget)., Texas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion, healthinsurance.org, Aug 04, 2022.
I will do the commonsense, fiscally-responsible thing and expand Medicaid to bring billions of your federal tax dollars back home to Texas to help more people see a doctor. Issue: Affordable Health Care, betoorourke.com, 2022.
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Space exploration
Space exploration from Texas? Yes ...
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We've got to make sure that industry does not run roughshod over the people of Texas, Beto O’Rourke lends support to SpaceX expansion in South Texas with ‘necessary oversight’, tpr.org, Nov 17, 2021.
Texas is the gateway to space!We’re home to @NASA_Johnson & more.And the launchpad for @BlueOrigin, @SpaceX, & others.The Lone Star State will continue to lead the way in space innovation!, Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, May 06, 2022.
Beto O’Rourke onELON MUSK“I understand the attraction and the sensation around a big name like Elon Musk, grateful that there are going to be jobs connected to that in Texas, but I’m even more excited about the folks who live here who are taking a chance…”, BetoMedia (@BetoMedia), twitter.com, Sep 25, 2021.
Abbott explained that the process of gaining federal approval for the launch site seems unnecessary and stands as yet another exhibit of the federal government obstructing innovation., Texas Governor Signals Support for SpaceX’s Starbase Approval, astrolightmediagroup.com, Apr 19, 2022.
I’m grateful they create jobs across the state of Texas. I’m actually going to Brownsville later today where it’s a very larger employer with a lot of opportunity to expand even more. I love these types of jobs, high skill, high tech, high wage. We want to see more of them., Beto O’Rourke: One on One with 25 News, kxxv.com, Nov 19, 2021.
What I am going to do if Biden interferes with the ability of SpaceX to launch from Boca Chica; I am going to be working every step of the way to make sure that they are going to be able to launch from Boca Chica, Texas governor backs Musk’s Boca Chica, advanced-television.com, Apr 19, 2022.
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Green New Deal
Would Texas benefit from Green New Deal?
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Biden doesn't get it.STOP pushing the radical Green New Deal.STOP blaming oil companies & let them help save America.Texas will make America energy independent AGAIN., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Mar 31, 2022.
He said that to reduce dependence on fossil fuels “not only must we emit less greenhouse gasses — we must also plant those things that absorb greenhouse gasses and carbon, and we must also invest in the technology that will allow us to claim some of it that is in the air right now.”, Beto O’Rourke lends support to Green New Deal in Iowa campaign stop: ‘Literally the future of the world depends on us, right now’, cnbc.com, Mar 14, 2019.
We won’t allow Biden’s Green New Deal to crush energy jobs in Texas and make America dependent on foreign sources of energy.We will preserve high paying energy jobs in Texas., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Mar 25, 2021.
The former Texas congressman promised that his plan would ensure that the U.S. achieves net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, getting halfway there by 2030. But his plan comes with a hefty price tag: $5 trillion over 10 years., How Beto O'Rourke's Climate Change Plan Compares to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, newsweek.com, Apr 29, 2019.
Abbott said he was only trying to convey that it would be a challenge for the state to rely solely on green energy [...] Ignoring that experts and officials agreed that a disruption in energy powered by fossil fuels was the biggest culprit behind Texas' outages, Abbott added that losses in wind and solar energy “thrust Texas into a situation where it was lacking power in a statewide basis.”, Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republicans blamed green energy for Texas’ power woes. But the state runs on fossil fuels., texastribune.org, Feb 17, 2021.
The Green New Deal calls that sacrifice and service in scale of commitment when it talks about the challenges that we face today, Beto O’Rourke praises AOC and Green New Deal: Climate change an ’existential challenge’ like Germany in WWII, independent.co.uk, Apr 17, 2019.
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Carbon price
A price on carbon emissions?
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A Texas oil company is using innovation to produce oil while reducing carbon emissions. Innovation beats regulation., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, May 21, 2019.
We should price carbon—and I think the best possible path to do that is a cap-and-trade system, which holds polluters accountable and provides dividends to the communities most affected by climate change., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 05, 2019.
Extreme liberal, and credibility-challenged Beto O’Rourke’s support for policies like the Green New Deal, cap-and-trade and broad-based bans on oil and gas drilling will kill hundreds of thousands of Texas jobs. On this issue, Beto favors following the extreme liberal orthodoxy put forward by coastal liberals like President Biden, AOC and Nancy Pelosi instead of supporting Texas workers., Wrong Way O’Rourke Wants to Kill the Texas Energy Industry, gregabbott.com, Jan 31, 2022.
Beto O'Rourke wants the country to slash its greenhouse gas emissions to near zero over the next 30 years, possibly through the use of a carbon market [...] and changing royalties "to reflect the climate cost" of energy development., Beto O’Rourke hints at support for carbon pricing, argusmedia.com, Apr 29, 2019.
O’Rourke ‘will set a first-ever, net-zero emissions by 2030 carbon budget for federal lands, stopping new fossil fuel leases, changing royalties to reflect climate costs, and accelerating renewables development and forestation,’ a campaign spokesman told The Post., Beto Would Make Record-high Gas Prices Even Higher, gregabbott.com, Jun 06, 2022.
“Every single purchasing decision, leasing decision, that the federal government makes, should include the cost of pollution and the cost to our climate," O'Rourke said., Beto O'Rourke unveils plan to fight climate change, texastribune.org, Apr 29, 2019.
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Rein the Environmental Protection Agency?
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Just voted "no" on bill that would hamstring EPA by not allowing it to use all available scientific data when proposing new rules., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Mar 29, 2017.
Doing so would require Texas to take steps to attain lower levels of ozone in the region. [...] Abbott sent a letter to President Joe Biden, asking him to stop the EPA from proceeding with the plan. [...] “This action could result in draconian regulations imposed by the EPA that would directly attack America’s most prolific oil field,” Abbott wrote, arguing that regulations could further increase gasoline prices., Smog levels in Texas surge during heat wave, bringing worst summer air quality in a decade, sacurrent.com, Jul 14, 2022.
Even as storm after storm hits our country, President Trump refuses to do anything to combat climate change—pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement and hijacking the EPA., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 31, 2019.
You can either stand with Americans by working to reduce gas prices, or you can side with arbitrary and discretionary EPA bureaucrats who could impair oil production and jobs, Abbott speaks out against EPA's proposed plans for the Permian Basin, mrt.com, Jun 27, 2022.
Trump & this Congress vs. environment: coal ash in streams, 31% EPA cut, denial of science & Pruitt wants exit from Paris agreement., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Apr 22, 2017.
Dear @FoxNews: I could create millions of jobs & a 4% growth rate by eliminating ObamaCare gutting EPA & repealing Dodd-Frank., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 07, 2015.
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Does Texas need more politics on climate change?
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Abbott signed an executive order that he said would "direct every state agency to use all lawful powers and tools to challenge any federal action that threatens the" energy sector in Texas. [...] Texas is not going to stand idly by and watch the Biden administration kill jobs in Midland, in Odessa or any other place across the entire region., Gov. Greg Abbott says he'll fight Joe Biden's energy and climate agenda, texastribune.org, Jan 28, 2021.
Climate change is our greatest existential threat—a test of our country, of our democracy, of every single one of us. Here’s how we meet it., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jul 31, 2019.
Not gonna happen in Texas! [image: UP IN YOUR GRILLBIDEN'S CLIMATE REQUIREMENTS- CUT 90% OF RED MEAT FROM DIET- MAX 4 LBS PER YEAR- ONE BURGER PER MONTH], Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Apr 25, 2021.
I will enforce our pollution laws and create jobs in emission reduction strategies like carbon capture and storage., Issue: Energy & Environment, betoorourke.com, 2022.
I believe in science. It shows that global warming occurred milleniums before fossil fuel use., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jul 18, 2013.
The consequences of climate change are painful now, but they get much worse the longer we wait. Same is true of the policy choices. They become more expensive, more drastic, more unlikely. So, we act now or forever lose our chance., Beto O'Rourke (betoorourke), twitter.com, Nov 27, 2019.
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Should locals have a say in fracking projects?
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Abbott, has signed a bill into law that prohibits cities and towns from banning a gas drilling practice known as hydraulic fracking, giving the state sole authority over oil and gas regulation., Texas governor bans cities and towns from banning fracking, theguardian.com, May 19, 2015.
If you do not want that operation near you, then you should not have that operation near you., Beto O'Rourke on climate change fracking and his support of fossil fuels. #NHpolitics #FITN, youtube.com, Mar 20, 2019.
Obama's EPA says Fracking Has No Widespread Impact on Drinking Water., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jun 04, 2015.
On fracking, Abbott’s campaign points to a 2015 vote in Congress, when O’Rourke opposed House Resolution 351 that would have sped up permitting and expanded U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas that comes largely from fracking operations. O’Rourke at the time said he voted against that legislation because it didn’t include provisions for enhanced safety and environmental protections that he sought., Gov. Greg Abbott focuses early attacks on Beto O’Rourke over oil and gas jobs, houstonchronicle.com, Aug 19, 2022.
Abbott, who delivered the commencement address at the University of North Texas in Denton on Saturday, said the new law “does a profound job of protecting private property rights here in the state of Texas, ensuring those that own their own property are not going to have the heavy hand of local regulation deprive them of their private property rights.”, Gov. Abbott signs into law bill to throttle local bans on fracking, statesman.com, Sep 24, 2016.
Democratic Congressman Beto O’Rourke has voted repeatedly in support of a carbon tax, has voted in support of a $10 a barrel tax on oil, has strongly supported the Paris Climate agreement, which would have had a devastating impact on the energy industry, has opposed efforts to expedite LNG exporting permits and has supported aggressive federal regulations of fracking that would restrict fracking. Every one of those policies is contrary to the interests of the Permian Basin and is wrong-headed for the people of Texas., Cruz, O’Rourke on energy, mrt.com, Sep 08, 2018.
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School Vouchers
Should Texas have a school choice voucher program?
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Abbott wants to defund our public schools with a voucher program that takes our tax dollars out of our kids’ already underfunded classrooms., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 04, 2022.
Empowering parents means giving them the choice to take their children to any public school, charter school or private school with state funding following the student, Beto O'Rourke accuses Gov. Greg Abbott of trying to 'defund' public schools by supporting school vouchers, foxnews.com, May 11, 2022.
We will not allow Greg Abbott to take our tax dollars out of our kids’ classrooms and send them away to private schools in the form of vouchers., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jun 15, 2022.
Nothing is more important to the future of Texas than ensuring our children are educated.It’s vital that we continue to fully fund schools while also giving parents a choice about which school is best for their child!, Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, May 10, 2022.
I will fully fund public schools. [...] We will put more money into our kids’ classrooms and reject any effort to take your public tax dollars out of your schools. Issue: World-Class Schools, betoorourke.com, 2022.
Abbott voiced support for a school voucher proposal in May that would allow students to use government funding to attend private or charter schools. School choice proponents cheered, Texas leaders respond to op-ed arguing school choice benefits minority communities: 'The only solution', foxnews.com, Jun 30, 2022.
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Transgender women in women's sports and bathrooms?
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HOUSTON: Vote Texas values, not@HillaryClinton values. Vote NO on City of Houston Proposition 1. No men in women's bathrooms., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Nov 02, 2015.
Grateful to Texas legislators on both sides of the aisle for stopping hateful bathroom bill., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 17, 2017.
Texas will sue to stop Obama's transgender directive to schools., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, May 25, 2016.
Eight years ago, President Obama repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. But with his transgender troop ban, Trump proved we still have a long way to go toward equality.Let's finish the work President Obama started and make sure everyone can serve our country, no matter who they are., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 20, 2019.
A bill that would restrict transgender student athletes from playing on school sports teams that align with their gender identity is heading to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk, Texas bill restricting transgender student athletes’ sports participation heads to Gov. Greg Abbott, dallasnews.com, Oct 15, 2021.
We’ll use our power to pass this state’s first comprehensive nondiscrimination law, protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all, and make sure LGBTQ+ Texans know that they’re not only welcome here, but that they belong here., Issue: LGBTQ+, Rights, betoorourke.com, 2022.
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Trans children
Is gender transition of minors child abuse?
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Greg Abbott is attacking transgender kids and their loving families.When I'm governor, I'll fight to protect the rights of trans Texans while ensuring families like the Briggles can thrive in our state., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, May 11, 2022.
Texas Attorney General: “There is no doubt" that gender transition of minors is ‘child abuse’ under Texas law.The Texas Dept. of Family & Protective Services will enforce this ruling and investigate & refer for prosecution any such abuse., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Feb 22, 2022.
We’ll use our power to pass this state’s first comprehensive nondiscrimination law, protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all, and make sure LGBTQ+ Texans know that they’re not only welcome here, but that they belong here., Issue: LGBTQ+, Rights, betoorourke.com, 2022.
"Genital mutilation of a child through reassignment surgery is child abuse..." - Commissioner Jaime Masters, @TexasDFPSThe determination and subsequent enforcement of Commissioner Masters' conclusions are effective immediately., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 11, 2021.
these parents are the most loving parents you’ll find anywhere,” said O’Rourke [...] “They’re doing their best to help their kid navigate this incredibly difficult time in their lives, and they’re searching for answers, just trying to make sure that they’re OK.”, Watch Beto O'Rourke Praise Parents of Trans Kids in Late Night Appearance, advocate.com, May 11, 2022.
Abbott said those who fail to report instances of minors receiving gender-affirming medical care could face “criminal penalties.”, Texas governor calls on citizens to report parents of transgender kids for abuse, nbcnews.com, Feb 23, 2022.
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Religious Freedom
End the use of religion to discriminate?
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The First Amendment right to freedom of religion shall never be infringed.Proud to sign multiple bills into law that will further safeguard religious freedom in the Lone Star State., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jul 09, 2021.
We cannot allow religious freedom to be used as a guise for discrimination. We must stand against this in Puerto Rico and we must reverse the Trump administration’s continued efforts to exacerbate LGBTQ discrimination everywhere., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jun 13, 2019.
Abbott signed into law a bill that allows adoption or foster care agencies to refuse to place children with certain prospective parents, including same-sex couples, under the guise of “religious freedom.”, Texas governor signs anti-LGBTQ adoption bill into law, metroweekly.com, Jun 16, 2017.
Under Greg Abbott, it is legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity.That changes when we win., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jun 22, 2022.
”HB 3859 bans no one” and has a mechanism for the state to offer alternative providers to anyone denied the right to be adoptive or foster parents because of the provider’s religious beliefs., Texas governor approves adoption bill that critics contend discriminates, reuters.com, Jun 16, 2017.
We’ll use our power to pass this state’s first comprehensive nondiscrimination law, protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all, and make sure LGBTQ+ Texans know that they’re not only welcome here, but that they belong here., Issue: LGBTQ+ Rights, betoorourke.com, 2022.
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Should there be restrictions on abortion?
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Together, we're going to overcome Greg Abbott's extreme abortion ban and fight for the freedom of Texas women to make their own decisions about their own body, health care, and future., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 31, 2022.
BREAKING: The Supreme Court correctly overturns Roe v. Wade & reinstates the right of states to protect innocent, unborn children.Texas is a pro-life state.We will ALWAYS fight to save every child from the ravages of abortion., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jun 24, 2022.
All Texans deserve the freedom to make their own decisions about their own body, their own health care, and their own future. We deserve the freedom to decide if, when, and with whom to start a family. Issue: Reproductive Freedom, betoorourke.com, 2022.
No freedom is more precious than life itself.Starting today, every unborn child with a heartbeat will be protected from the ravages of abortion.Texas will always defend the right to life.#ProLife, Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Sep 01, 2021.
I trust women and their doctors to make their decisions about their body, their health care and about their future., Beto O’Rourke Refuses To Back Any Limit On Abortion, Including Partial-Birth Abortion, youtube.com, Aug 25, 2022.
Greg Abbott said Tuesday that he intends to “eliminate rape” in his state, amid criticism that a new law banning abortions at six weeks does not include an exception for victims of rape and incest., Texas Gov. Greg Abbott defends abortion law, says state will 'eliminate rape', usatoday.com, Aug 09, 2022.
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Is it too hard to register to vote in Texas?
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The Supreme Court allows voter ID requirement in North Dakota. Texas already has a voter ID requirement to ensure the integrity of our elections. We want to prevent cheating and illegal voting at the ballot box., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Oct 10, 2018.
Our onerous voter ID laws are particularly difficult for young, elderly, and low-income Texans to meet. [...] We will pass online and same-day voter registration, expand eligible forms of voter ID, reduce obstacles to voting by mail, expand access to polling sites, and establish nonpartisan redistricting commissions, Issue: Freedom to Vote, betoorourke.com, 2022.
Voter fraud is real and Texas will prosecute it whenever and wherever it happens.We will continue to make it easy to vote but hard to cheat.Thanks to the Texas Attorney General and all law-enforcement involved in this voter fraud case to ensure integrity in elections., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jun 26, 2021.
The Texas House will vote on an anti-voter bill today that will make it even harder to vote in Texas (already the toughest place to vote in the country).It targets Black voters, disabled voters, young voters and voters in big cities., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, May 06, 2021.
More voter fraud exposed in Texas. A judge overturned the results of an election because illegal votes were cast. We will continue advancing laws that stop cheating and illegal voting at the ballot box., Greg Abbott (TexansForAbbott), facebook.com, Jun 28, 2018.
This voting rights bill is critical for America’s democracy, but nowhere will it do more good than Texas. Through racial gerrymander, voter ID and hundreds of polling place closures we’ve become the most voter suppressed state in the country.The only way we get real democracy in Texas, where more than 7 million eligible voters didn’t vote in 2020, is for the Senate to pass this & for President Biden to sign it., Beto O'Rourke (betoorourke), facebook.com, Mar 04, 2021.
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Legalize marijuana?
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Abbott [...] would reduce the legal consequences for possessing small amounts of marijuana to a Class C misdemeanor., Texas’ cautious approach to marijuana use has been the correct path, dallasnews.com, Sep 08, 2022.
We are going to legalize marijuana in Texas while generating nearly $1 billion a year in new revenue and savings., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 20, 2022.
Abbott still resisted, noting his stance hadn't changed beyond what he's proposed in the past — reducing the criminal penalty for marijuana possession to a Class C misdemeanor., Most Texans in favor of legalizing marijuana for recreational or medical use, new poll shows, houstonchronicle.com, Aug 16, 2022.
Veterans say it’s time for this state to legalize marijuana. The people of Texas agree.Now we just need a governor who will get it done., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jul 20, 2022.
prison and jail is a place for dangerous criminals who may harm others, and small possession of marijuana is not the type of violation that we want to stockpile jails with., Analysis: Texas politicians can change their minds. But it helps if the public goes first., texastribune.org, Jan 12, 2022.
When I’m governor, we will legalize marijuana and expunge the records of those arrested for marijuana possession—and we’ll use the nearly $1 billion in new state revenue and reduced criminal justice costs to invest in public schools and reduce property taxes., Issue: Marijuana legalization, betoorourke.com, 2022.
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Gambling & betting
Legalize casino gambling and sports betting in Texas?
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Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, both Republicans, “remain adamantly opposed” to casino gambling, Texas Casino Gambling Legalization Continues to Divide Politicians, casino.org, Jan 26, 2022.
O’Rourke said earlier this month he would consider enacting expanded gaming in the state. If somehow, despite the odds, it gets approved, that could mean Texas’ first commercial casinos and sports betting., Texas Gambling Proposal May Earn Beto O’Rourke Votes in Governor’s Race, casino.org, Apr 28, 2022.
“State laws on gaming are to be viewed strictly as prohibitive to any expansion of gambling. This statutory framework is properly intentioned to protect our citizens, and I support it wholeheartedly,” Abbott wrote, The Supreme Court ruled that states can legalize sports gambling. But Texas still might not play., texastribune.org, May 14, 2018.
“From listening to Texans across the state, it’s one, a very popular proposal, and two, it would also help us address some of the challenges we have in reducing inflation and property taxes in the state,” the former Democratic congressman from El Paso said, Beto O’Rourke Voices Support For Legal Sports Betting In Texas, sportshandle.com, Apr 22, 2022.
Abbott dismissed expanded gaming after first taking office in 2015, but recent reports from the Texas Tribune and the Dallas Morning News reaffirm the governor is at least open to legal wagering., Texas Sports Betting Update: Gaming, Casino Legislation Tantalizes Despite Political Difficulties, actionnetwork.com, Sep 25, 2021.
O’Rourke said if he’s elected governor he’s “inclined to support” expanding casino gambling and legal sports betting in Texas, Beto O’Rourke calls for legalizing casino gambling, sports betting in Texas, houstonchronicle.com, Apr 20, 2022.
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Does Texas need a wall at the border?
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Victory for rule of law and a more humane border. Thousands of migrants and asylum seekers have died as militarization and walls push them to ever more hostile stretches of the U.S.-MX border., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Dec 11, 2019.
Texas is doing what Biden REFUSES to do — protect Texans from the influx of deadly drugs & people crossing into our state, build the wall, & secure our border., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 06, 2022.
President Trump is diverting $3.6 billion from our military—including $20 million from Fort Bliss in El Paso—to pay for his wall. Our service members keep us safe. His wall is useless. Our safety is the price of Trump's racism. And we're all paying for it., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Sep 04, 2019.
Texas is building a border wall.The Texas Facilities Commission expects sections of the wall to be built by the end of the year.We'll continue to do everything we can to protect Texans & secure the border., Greg Abbott (governorabbott), instagram.com, Oct 29, 2021.
We don't need more walls. They don't make us more safe., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jul 27, 2019.
After Biden halted construction of Trump’s border wall hundreds of unused wall panels were left at construction sites.Texas has obtained 1,700 of those unused panels to help build the wall.They had been declared surplus--now they secure the border., Greg Abbott (TexansForAbbott), facebook.com, Feb 16, 2022.
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Busing migrants to NYC, DC and Chicago?
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You can always count on Abbott to choose stunts over solutions., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Apr 07, 2022.
First Texas bus of migrants has arrived in Chicago.Biden's inaction at our border puts Texans at risk & is overwhelming our communities.We'll continue bussing migrants to sanctuary cities like NYC, DC, & now Chicago until the federal gov't does its job & secures the border., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Sep 01, 2022.
Democrats, Republicans, and independents want to move forward on establishing a safe, legal, orderly system of immigration.Now we just need a governor who is focused on solutions instead of stunts to get it done., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jul 24, 2022.
Texas is taking action to secure our state & country.The bus of migrants that arrived in New York City this morning is a tiny fraction of the border crisis Texas faces on a daily basis.It's time for Biden to do. his. job., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 05, 2022
Texas should be THE leader in building a safe, legal, orderly immigration system that meets the needs of our state and country., Issue: Border & Immigration, betoorourke.com, 2022.
The 1st bus of migrants has arrived in NYC.Biden refuses to do his job, so Texas continues to take unprecedented action to secure our border.NYC is the ideal destination for these migrants.They can receive the services Mayor Adams has boasted about w/in the sanctuary city., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 05, 2022.
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Texas National Guard
Texas National Guard at the border?
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Guard troops are calling Abbott’s border mission a “disaster” that serves only to use soldiers as “political pawns” in his campaign.Abbott can change Guard leadership all he wants, but we all know that he’s to blame for this deadly political stunt. Bring our Guard members home., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Mar 19, 2022.
Texas National Guard troops identify two potential smugglers in the Rio Grande River, forcing them to turn back to Mexico.The Lone Star State continues to secure our border & keep Texans safe in the federal government's absence., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 10, 2022.
You can switch Generals, but we know where the buck stops.Abbott took 10,000 Guard members from their jobs and families, treated them with incredible disrespect. Pay delayed. Tuition benefits cut in half. Used as political pawns in his campaign.Time to bring them back home., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Mar 14, 2022.
Texas National Guard soldiers spotlight a group of illegal migrants hiding in the brush along Mexico's riverbank.Thank you to our Texas Guard members, Texas Dept. of Public Safety personnel, & local law enforcement for continuing to secure our border., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Sep 03, 2022.
Greg Abbott is using our tax dollars by the billions to take 10,000 members of the Texas National Guard away from their families, careers, and communities [...], even though they have zero authority to arrest or detain migrants. Issue: Border & Immigration, betoorourke.com, 2022.
Texas National Guard troops use tactical vehicles to block & repel illegal immigrants from crossing into Texas.Thank you to the Texas National Guard & Texas Department of Public Safety for your service, diligence, & sacrifice to keep our communities safe., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 14, 2022.
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Enhanced vehicle inspections at the border?
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Democrats and Republicans agree that Abbott’s political stunts are bad for business, terrible for Texas.They are driving up prices, worsening the supply chain, and causing inflation., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Apr 13, 2022.
While Biden continues to FAIL America with his open border policies, Texas is taking UNPRECEDENTED action to secure our state & country.➡️ Enhanced vehicle inspections @ points of entry➡️ Charter buses to send illegal immigrants to DC➡️ Boat blockadesMore to come., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Apr 06, 2022.
This is inflation. Higher prices at the grocery store. A supply chain crisis that is killing businesses along the border.This is what Greg Abbott is doing to Texas., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Apr 12, 2022.
The Lone Star State has already taken unprecedented action to secure the border.Now, we're setting up more checkpoints, deploying strike teams, & adding more miles of concertina wire.While Biden & Harris continue to do NOTHING, Texas will keep our country safe., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jul 01, 2022.
Longer wait times mean higher prices, more supply chain problems, fewer goods in our stores. Abbott's chaos is hurting our economy., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Apr 14, 2022.
DPS will be implementing new vehicle inspection checkpoints targeting semi-trucks beginning immediately, Governor Abbott Expands Border Security Operations, gov.texas.gov, Jun 29, 2022.
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Social Media Censorship
Should social media activity be censored?
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We will always defend the freedom of speech in Texas [...] Social media websites have become our modern-day public square. They are a place for healthy public debate where information should be able to flow freely — but there is a dangerous movement by social media companies to silence conservative viewpoints and ideas. That is wrong, and we will not allow it in Texas., Governor Abbott Signs Law Protecting Texans From Wrongful Social Media Censorship, gov.texas.gov, Sep 09, 2021.
To combat hatred, we will ensure the FBI and DOJ prioritize right wing violence; identify white nationalism as a threat in counterterrorism strategy; and require social media companies to remove hate speech and domestic terrorism from their platforms., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 16, 2019.
Americans ranging from Trump to everyday citizens have been banned from Twitter & Facebook.@SenBryanHughes' bill in the #txlege makes this censorship illegal in TX.I support #SB12 because it protects Texans from Big Tech's effort to silence conservative viewpoints., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, May 05, 2021.
We must confront hate, no matter where it is or how high up it goes. That means calling out this president—but it also means ensuring social media companies no longer allow hate speech to be spread on their platforms., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Aug 08, 2019.
We must safeguard the freedom of speech by protecting social media users from being censored by Big Tech.That's why making censorship illegal is an emergency item for this Special Session., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jul 12, 2021.
he would mandate that internet platforms "ban hateful activities, defined as those that incite or engage in violence, intimidation, harassment, threats, or defamation targeting an individual or group based on their actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability., Beto O'Rourke Proposes Plan to Punish Tech Companies for Failing to Censor Hate Speech, reason.com, Aug 20, 2019.
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Is it ok to remove some monuments of American history?
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I’m with Eric on this one. Take it down today. [Tweet from Mayor Eric Johnson: The AG has spoken. The Capitol curator can unilaterally remove the plaque. No need to politicize this issue or bog down the 86th #TxLege. Remove it and let’s move on.], Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Nov 27, 2018.
Confederate monuments in Texas [...] won't erase our nation's past, and it doesn't advance our nation's future., Abbott: Removing Confederate monuments "won't erase our nation's past", texastribune.org, Aug 16, 2017.
“We are gonna replace ‘Confederate Heroes Day’ as a state holiday with ‘Election Day’ as a state holiday, so you can take the day off and vote!”— Texas Dem. gubernatorial nominee Beto O’Rourke promises changes to combat voter suppression if he defeats Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX), The Recount (@therecount), twitter.com, Sep 07, 2022.
President Trump speaking about Mount Rushmore:“This monument will never be desecrated. These heroes will never be defaced! Their legacy will never, ever be destroyed!”What a sight that monument is., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jul 04, 2020.
If there is some place to house them, such as a museum, where they can be presented in context, with a full-telling of the history, that's one thing, but to be in a place of public honor, that sends the message that these are people who's actions we honor. That can not stand., Rep. Beto O'Rourke: Public Confederate Monuments Should Come Down, nbcdfw.com, Sep 19, 2017.
Headline you'll never see in Texas: "Ten Commandments monument removed from Oklahoma Capitol grounds", Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Oct 07, 2015.
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Redistribute wealth?
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"Like" this if you agree that Obama = Socialism. Today, he said this: “You don’t have some inherent right just to– you know, get a certain amount of profit." He was talking about banks, but it captures Obama's redistributive socialistic policies that apply equally to all businesses. He disdains capitalism and the American exceptionalism it helped create. Obama doesn't have a clue about how to create jobs., Greg Abbott (TexansForAbbott), facebook.com, Oct 06, 2011.
The unprecedented concentration of wealth, power and privilege in the United States must be broken apart. Opportunity must be fully shared with all. We must all have the opportunity to succeed. Together. As one country., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Mar 30, 2019.
.@WSJ says: “Texas is in the business of wealth creation not redistribution.” While other states are increasing taxes we're lowering taxes., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Jul 24, 2015.
O'Rourke this week revealed a controversial plan to address racial income inequality: redistribute wealth from white, rich Americans to poorer black Americans., Beto O'Rourke reveals plan to transfer wealth from rich, white Americans to poorer African-Americans, theblaze.com, May 11, 2019.
#Obama=redistribution: says NBA Billionaries & Millionaries should 'Divvy Up Their Profits', Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Nov 12, 2011.
At a time when the gap between the very rich and everyone else is larger than any point since the 1920s, we have to pick a side between people and corporations. I pick people., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jul 23, 2018.
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Foreign affairs
Sanctions over diplomacy?
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This administration is gunning for war in Iran. We can resolve our differences with that country firmly and peacefully, without invading yet another country and starting yet another war in the Middle East., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jun 21, 2019.
I signed a law that prevents business entities from 'hostile nations' from accessing the Texas grid and other critical infrastructure.The law listed China, Russia, Iran and North Korea as hostile nations.So, transactions like this are prohibited., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 12, 2021.
New Iran sanctions = push for war. Diplomacy is the path to a nuclear-free Iran., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Jan 10, 2014.
Beto was 1 of 10 members of Congress who voted AGAINST condemning Russia’s policy of aggression against its neighbors.When he had the chance, Beto stood against Ukraine.Beto Was A Rare Vote Against Tough-on-Russia Bills After Invasion of Ukraine., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Mar 15, 2022.
Decertifying Iran deal strengthens their hand and weakens ours. Makes it more likely, not less, that they will develop nuclear weapon., Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke), twitter.com, Oct 13, 2017.
Not only is Texas NOT going to lift sanctions on Iran; we are going to INCREASE those sanctions, Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, May 17, 2016.
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Death penalty
Abolish death penalty?
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Cop killers deserve the death penalty., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Apr 02, 2022.
Abolish the death penalty., Beto O'Rourke (betoorourke), twitter.com, Jul 25, 2019.
In Texas if you commit “honor killings” you will get the death penalty., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Aug 15, 2018.
It’s not an equitable, fair, just system right now -- the guarantees and safeguards against wrongful prosecution, the disproportionate number of people of color who comprise our criminal justice system,” O’Rourke said., Beto O'Rourke says he'd suspend capital punishment at federal level, foxnews.com, Mar 14, 2019.
We're working on a legislative package right now.Expedited executions for mass murderers would be a nice addition., Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX), twitter.com, Sep 03, 2019.
O’Rourke’s stance on the death penalty has evidently changed since 2017. In an interview with Iowa Radio on Thursday, O’Rourke said he was morally opposed to the death penalty and would suspend its use at the federal level as president., Beto O’Rourke Supported The Death Penalty As Recently As 2 Years Ago, huffingtonpost.co.uk, Mar 21, 2019.
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